Based on the national animation "Dragon Ball" motif, the strongest three-dimensional battle ever developed. The characters include more than 70 characters from Saiyan to the Demon Buu series. The legendary Super Saiyan Brolly has evolved into the original game "Super Saiyan 3 forms". In addition to being able to perform the epic battling action unique to Dragon Ball such as kicking, chasing, striking, and shooting, advanced combat games can also be used by objects on the field to enjoy advanced tactics. The motion of the character reproduced in 60 frames for a second, and the expression changes according to the situation, giving it an immersive experience as if you are moving an anime.
Dragon Ball Raging Blast - PS3
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Based on the national animation "Dragon Ball" motif, the strongest three-dimensional battle ever developed. The characters include more than 70 characters from Saiyan to the Demon Buu series. The legendary Super Saiyan Brolly has evolved into the original game "Super Saiyan 3 forms". In addition to being able to perform the epic battling action unique to Dragon Ball such as kicking, chasing, striking, and shooting, advanced combat games can also be used by objects on the field to enjoy advanced tactics. The motion of the character reproduced in 60 frames for a second, and the expression changes according to the situation, giving it an immersive experience as if you are moving an anime.