The popular TV anime "Kateou Hitman Reborn! The third edition of the Super (Hyper) Dead Battle RPG series. This time, in Italy, the full original story of the Tuna and Bongore family is released in the theatrical scale series. The game begins in omnibus format, focusing on each character, and the story also introduces Jellaro who is the new character drawn by the original author Akira Amano. The true charm of the series, 3D battles are more and more powerful than ever before, such as reviewing the character and increasing the camera angle variation. The card visualization of action commands such as attack, recovery, and support allow even beginners to experience intense battles.
Katekyo Hitman REBORN! DS Fate of Heat III Snow Guardian Attacks! (Limited Edition)
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The popular TV anime "Kateou Hitman Reborn! The third edition of the Super (Hyper) Dead Battle RPG series. This time, in Italy, the full original story of the Tuna and Bongore family is released in the theatrical scale series. The game begins in omnibus format, focusing on each character, and the story also introduces Jellaro who is the new character drawn by the original author Akira Amano. The true charm of the series, 3D battles are more and more powerful than ever before, such as reviewing the character and increasing the camera angle variation. The card visualization of action commands such as attack, recovery, and support allow even beginners to experience intense battles.